RON PHILLIPS Coach At Personal Training Gym In Sun City, Texas

• CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)
• Adaptive and Inclusive Trainer (ATA)
• CrossFit Kids Trainer

Ron was born in Jacksonville, FL and moved around between Georgie, California, and Illinois growing up. He was a wrestler and played football in high school. Ron and his wife Jenny moved to Georgetown in 2006, and now have 3 kids – Jeremiah 18, Gabby 16, and Jessi-Ann 13. Ron started doing Crossfit in 2016 and started coaching in 2018. He is passionate about helping people move better because of what it has done for him and his family. In his spare time he enjoys cooking for friends, listening to audio books, and relaxing with family and friends including his 2 dogs Sebastian (he’s a tripod) and Pumpkin (she’s a menace).